To the One Who Feels Invisible... [Guest Post by Raelyn Quinn]

Hello there! Today I have the wonderful privilege of being joined by my friend, Raelyn Quinn. She's written a lovely article for us about something I bet we've all experienced—I know I have. 

If you've ever felt invisible, then read on and be encouraged. 🙂

Every time you’re in a room full of people, you feel like no one notices you. In fact, you know they couldn’t care less if you weren’t there at all. Every time you try to include yourself in the conversation, no one hears you. Instead, it feels like you’re watching through a window, a silent observer of the world around you. Nobody sees you. 

No one notices your pain. No one sees how much you’re struggling. Nobody recognizes the countless tribulations you’re experiencing. No one offers a listening ear or a helping hand. You’re invisible. And you’re all alone. 

Friend, you are seen.


Maybe it feels like you’re invisible to everyone else around you, but, trust me, you are seen by the One who loves you the most.

Perhaps the people around you ignore you, fail to acknowledge your presence, or even disregard how much you’re hurting. Don’t get me wrong, that’s painful–a hurt like that stings and scars–but you are seen by the One who matters most. 

You may feel alone in that room full of people, even when you try your best to fit in. But you are never truly alone. Jesus is always with you. He’s the Friend that will never abandon, betray, or leave you on your own. He’s the Friend you can always trust in and rely on. 

When you feel unseen, you are seen. When you think you are forgotten, God remembers you. When you feel forsaken, look to the One who is always with you. 

God sees your struggles. He sees your heartbreak, your pain, and your trials; He sees it all. You are not alone, my friend. 

Our God is El Roi. This name of His is Hebrew and is a beautiful reminder for when you feel invisible. El Roi means “the God who sees me.” It’s a promise from your Father above that He will never turn His back on you. He is the God who sees you. 

In the midst of all of the pain and brokenness of this world, God does not turn His face from a single one of His precious children. He sees you, my friend. Don’t ever forget that. 


You are seen, friend. Even when you feel invisible to the rest of this mixed-up world. God sees you. You are not invisible. You are seen. 

Raelyn is a teenage writer with a love for exploring new worlds through the pages of books and weaving her own unique tales for others to enjoy. When she isn’t writing, you can often find her reading, watching sunsets, and spending time with her family. Raelyn strives to encourage others and bring glory to God through her words. You can read more of her work through her email list, Starlight.


  1. Thank you, Raelyn, this was a really beautiful encouragement! Feeling unnoticed or forgotten happens to me pretty regularly, especially since I'm a total introvert. But remembering that God sees and cares is truly a comfort and a good reminder for me to keep my eyes open for others who may also be feeling invisible.


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