Get to Know Me Tag - Writer's Edition

I was tagged by the lovely Annabelle Batie from the blog Pen & Ink for the Get to Know Me tag! 

If you're interested in writing, you should definitely check out Annabelle's blog—she posts writing tips and resources that are very helpful. 

The Rules

  • Link back to the person who created the tag. (That would be Savannah!)
  • Thank the person who tagged you. (Thanks again to Annabelle!)
  • Share the tag graphic.
  • Tag eleven bloggers.


Vital Stats and Appearance

Name: Emma Thrasher 

Nicknames: "Emma" doesn't really lend itself well to nicknames, though a few of my friends call me "Em" on occasion. I did go by my middle name—Rose, or Rosie—back when I was younger.

Birthday: If I tell you too much about my personal life, you'll be able to steal my identity! And that would be terrible.

Hair color and length: Brown, and it reaches just past my waist. I'm trying to grow it out so that it reaches my feet, but that'll take quite a while.

Eye color: Brown!

Braces/piercings/tattoos: I have my ears pierced, and that's about it.

Righty or lefty: Righty!

Ethnicity: White, but beyond that I'm not really sure. 


First novel written: It's more of a novella, but in 2020, I wrote a story titled The Philosopher-King. We were reading Plato's Republic in school at the time, and in that book, Socrates basically describes what he envisions as the "perfect society."

That "perfect society" had some serious problems, though. So I decided to write a book about what that society would actually look like. 

I'm actually pretty proud of that premise. The execution of the premise, on the other hand, left something to be desired.

First novel completed: Underworld Prevella—which I talk about here! I finished the first draft in May of 2022. I haven't actually edited it yet, so I'm not sure if it's technically completed... but whatever.

Award for writing: In 5th grade, I won a local short story contest. However, my story was rather terrible, so I'm not sure why it won!

First publication: I believe that would be The Truth About a Christian's Self-Worth, published on the Rebelution.

Conference: Alas, none—yet! I do hope to go to a writing conference as soon as I can save up the money.



Novel (that you wrote): I recently finished the first draft of my second novel, titled Doctorate in Deceit! The premise is as follows: 

Carson Scott and Bethany Jennings meet and fall in love while pursuing graduate degrees at Duke University. But just before the wedding, Bethany is kidnapped—kidnapped by police from another dimension who claim that she's a wanted criminal. 

When Carson discovers that the real criminal is a shapeshifter named Ness who's taken on Bethany's appearance to hide from the authorities, he and Bethany's best friend Julie are thrown headlong into a rescue attempt—and when they're forced to partner with Ness to get Bethany back, Carson may learn a lot more than he expected about love, sacrifice, and trusting in appearances.  

Genre: Fantasy. I love reading all genres—but fantasy remains a favorite. Second place is probably tied between contemporary or historical fiction.

Author: Andrew Peterson! Followed up closely by J.R.R. Tolkien, Jonathan Renshaw, and Jane Austen.

Writing Music: I don't really listen to music while I write. It's too distracting. 

However, the website is absolutely wonderful for concentrating. It contains hundreds of different sounds to listen to—from peaceful ocean waves to thunderstorms to sitting in a coffee shop to taking a walk through a medieval village, there's something for every mood and every scene. 

Time To Write: Afternoon, mostly because that's when I actually have time. But I do love writing on mornings when I don't have school—sitting at my desk after eating breakfast, knowing the day lies ahead of me and I have all the time in the world to get my work done. 

Ahh. Good times.

Writing Snack/Drink: ... Do people... eat while writing? Wouldn't that mess up their computers?

Movie: The Princess Bride. Of course.

Childhood Book: How young counts as "childhood"? 

Though there are a lot of good options, I'm going to say Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace. I read the first book when I was five years old, and I distinctly remember crying when it was time to return it to the library. 

Honestly, I'd recommend it even if you're not five. It's a really sweet story.



Reading: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. And I've been reading it for months.

I'm also reading Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor—which I highly recommend for anyone interested in time management, by the way—and Beauty's Rose by Shonna Slayton.

Writing: This blog article! 😜

Currently, I'm taking a break from Doctorate In Deceit before I start editing it later in January. I've never completely edited a novel before, but I'm ready to learn!

Listening to: I've really liked Sandra McCracken's Christmas album this year.

Watching: Green Gables Fables on Youtube. Imagine Anne of Green Gables—but it's set in the modern day, and it's told entirely through Anne vlogging her life. It is WONDERFUL. 

(I haven't finished the series, so I can't recommend it wholeheartedly. Viewer discretion is advised.) 

Learning: How to manage my time better.



Want To Be Published: Yes! Definitely!

Indie or Traditional: Traditional. Although indie sounds fun too, so maybe I'll do a book or two that way after I get started.

Wildest Goal: I... don't know. 

I try not to set crazy goals for myself. Then again, I think I have a different definition of "crazy" than a lot of people. Being an author? That might be crazy. 

But also, God has a plan for what I'm going to do with my life. If that involves being an author, then I'm going to be an author. And that's not going to be crazy. 

So, I'll say that my wildest goal is to put 1 Thessalonians 4:11–12 into practice: "to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one."


The Tags

The rules say to tag 11 people—but I don't know 11 bloggers who haven't done the tag already. So, I shall settle for a mere 4!

I hope you enjoyed this! Also, stay tuned for next week—there's a special article coming out that I'm very excited for. 

Until next time, friends.


  1. It's nice to know a little more about you! I remember reading the Republic and starting a little worldbuilding too. It's an intriguing idea-- though I definitely didn't go as far as you did.

    1. Thank you! That's so cool—it really gets you thinking. Socrates had some wacky ideas!

  2. Your answers were so fun to read, Emma! Thanks for doing the tag! :D

    Also, how are you doing? It's been a while!

    1. Yay, glad you enjoyed it! And thank you for tagging me, it was a lot of fun.
      I'm doing well! How are you?


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