How to Trust God Even During Scary Circumstances [Guest Post by A. J. Syngraféas]

Have you ever been scared? Well even I know the answer to that. Yes. Everyone on this earth has been scared at one point in their lives. 

You know what it is like when you are scared. You get nervous, sad, angry, or depressed, but most always you feel helpless. The truth is, though, you basically are. You can’t control things or manipulate it to turn out how you want it to. 

Though if you are Christian like me, you know someone who can. God controls how things turn out. That is pretty calming. At least for me. Isaiah says it pretty well: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you." (Isaiah 43:5)


Now let me ask you another question. Have you ever been through scary or hard circumstances?

The answer again is yes. Everyone has been through at least one circumstance where they were scared. I have for sure. 

Last year I struggled with anxiety badly. Every day was spent fretting and every night spent fearing. 

It took almost a whole year until I would not become anxious and I got over it by trusting God. As Psalm 56:3 says, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."

Because that is exactly what fear is, not trusting God. Fear does not come from God, it never has. Fear comes from Satan. He uses it to make us mistrust God. 

God has never given us a reason to not trust Him. 


Whoa, whoa, whoa, so if fear does not come from God, why doesn’t he keep fear away from us? 

Well first of all, we live in a fallen world. Sin brought fear when we sinned. 

Second, God lets us go through scary circumstances to make us better. Like a jeweler polishing a gem. The gem can’t shine if the jeweler doesn’t use hard, rough things to polish it. 

Before my anxiety my faith had become a little weaker. I believe that is why God put me through anxiety. After I had gone through anxiety, I have only grown closer and closer to God. 

That is why we should trust God during these scary things. Because he is trying to shine us or revive our faith and the most important thing, God controls the situation. He will never let anything happen to you that isn’t a part of his plan. So trust God even when scary things happen. He wants us to be strong and not afraid. Listen to what He says in Joshua 1:9: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Read what else God says about it. Talk to him about it. He always has the answers. Trust Him.


If you'd like to see the rest of the posts on the tour, here's the schedule!  

A. J. Syngraféas is a young Christian writer who writes for God and his kingdom. She writes fantasy, historical fiction, nonfiction, and many other genres. She also enjoys drawing, making things, and blogging. She loves helping others and making other people happy. You can check out her blog at


  1. I love the comparison of polishing a gem--God puts us through tough things to bring us closer to Him and sanctify us.

    1. I love it too! It's a great metaphor. The sanctification process definitely hurts sometimes, but it's worth it—even if we can't see it.

  2. Thank you for posting this, Emma! It looks amazing!

    1. Thank you for writing it! And best of luck on the rest of your blog launch :)


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