Words of Encouragement

Human beings have been created with words, and words have a whole lot of power. 

Words have the power to build others up and to tear others down. And even though we know that they're important, it's sometimes hard to understand how important they really are. 

The best kind of words are words of encouragement. Building one another up is something that we as Christians are commanded to do—1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 

Why is it so important to encourage each other with our words? 

In short, because it benefits us—it benefits everyone, both the giver and the recipient. 


Blessing the hearer

The most prized gifts that I've ever been given are the notes that my friends and family have given me. 

Some of these were for my birthday, some were given because I was going through a hard time, and some were just random. No matter the history, though, they make me smile every time I read them. 

Here's a different example: last summer, I got a job at Chick-fil-a. One day, our restaurant went crazy—due to supply chain issues, we had run out of half the things on the menu, and we workers were running back and forth trying to get the customers to change their orders. Needless to say, a lot of them weren't very happy about it. 

One guy stopped me when I was going back behind the counter. He said to me, "Hey, thank you. You're doing a great job." 

I smiled and thanked him, then went on to do my work. But even though the smile on my face may not have stayed there for the rest of my shift, the feeling did—and I still remember that man's words, months later. 

I don't think that man remembered talking to me. I doubt that he knows who I am. But that comment blessed me, and I still remember that as an example of loving encouragement. 

Words like these seem small, right? You don't expect to change the world with them. 

But this is exactly how you change the world. One small step at a time. 

One note of encouragement. One kind word. 

One action that points to God's love. 

As Christians, this should be our witness. We should live in a way that points to God's unfailing love by showing the world that our love is different. That our love seeks out others, instead of only loving those who love us. 

God can use anything. We won't always see the effects of our words, but it's still worth putting in the effort. God might use it. 

And who knows? You might reap more fruit than you expect. 


Benefiting the giver

Words of encouragement benefit the hearer, of course, but they also benefit the giver. 

Paul says in Acts 20:35 that Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." What does this mean about encouragement? 

Part of it is that encouraging others gets our mind off ourselves. We don't have to constantly be thinking about us all the time—that's a trap. 

What is our purpose in life? 

To bear witness about Christ, and to make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19). That, and to build one another up in love, among others. 

What better way to live is there than to live this out? 

And doesn't living this way benefit us as well? 

It feels good to help others. There's a reason for that: as Christians, we want to do what honors God, and we're happy when we succeed at doing so. 

Living a holy, set-apart, loving life can only benefit us in the long run. Encouraging others encourages ourselves, because we're not thinking about ourselves—we're being humble, not selfish—and we're being blessed, because we're giving. 

We're also imitating God. 

God encourages us all the time. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights," (James 1:17) and our joy and peace is always a gift from Him. 

Shouldn't we do the same? 

We've been given this quest, to make disciples for Jesus. We're going into a world that does not know real love. How can we win them, except by showing them what real love is? 

Jesus is our ultimate example of real love. But we can love quietly too, in smaller ways. We aren't all called to die on a cross—Jesus did that already, praise be to God—or to die in a remote jungle in South America like the missionaries in Operation Auca. 

Some of us will lay our lives down in smaller ways. By aiming to show love to everyone around us, by kindness, love, and fervent prayer. 

And by our words. 

May God help us, because it's no easy task we've got before us. 

But He will. He promised, and He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)


  1. This was an encouraging--haha--post! Words do make such a big impact.


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