I'm Going To Paraguay!

Paraguay is a small country in South America. It's right below Brazil, and borders Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina. Its capital is Asunción. It is landlocked, and has a population of roughly 7 million people.

It's also where I'm going to be spending my summer.

That's right, I'm going to Paraguay! I'm so excited for this opportunity—more details about it coming later—and, when you're reading this, I'll likely already be on my way to the airport.

This will, of course, be a very new experience for me. I've never left the United States, and I've never flown on a plane except for a recreational flight once at the Outer Banks. 

But God has given me this opportunity, and I am looking forward to seeing what comes of it!


Who are you going with?

I'm going with one of my closest friends, named Edy Gardner, who I've known basically since birth. We're flying down together, and I can't wait to be able to grow together and make these memories!

Edy has relatives in Paraguay, and they graciously invited us to stay with them.


How long are you staying there?

We are driving to the airport on June 6, and we'll be flying down to Asunción on the 7th. We're staying there for two months. The goal of this is to have an immersion experience and to grow in our cultural awareness—so we're making the most of our summer!


What will you be doing?

We're going to be accompanying Edy's aunt and uncle pretty much wherever they go! We'll go to the grocery store, go to the gym, go to Bible studies and church services—and learn Spanish to the best of our ability.


What you can expect

This is all very interesting, no doubt, but what will you, my reader, be able to expect from me during this time?

Because I'll be away from home, and very busy learning Spanish, I will not have time to keep up my schedule of posting three times a week. I can guarantee one post a week, hopefully on Mondays. If I manage to get ahead, perhaps we'll have the occasional Friday post—but in order to keep myself sane, I'll only commit to Monday.

I'm also planning to have a few guest posts! I am really excited for these, and I can't wait for you guys to read them.

Over the summer, I'm going to focus more on my email list then my blog. I'll continue to send out weekly emails with specific updates about our time in Paraguay as well as prayer requests, so please consider subscribing to my email list if you haven't already!


Prayer requests

Speaking of prayer requests, I have a few:

  • That Edy and I will be able to learn Spanish, and stay sane while doing so,
  • That we'll be able to acclimate to the new culture and be able to get outside our comfort zone safely,
  • That our faith would be strengthened through this experience, and that we would return as better servants of Christ,
  • That the memories we make would encourage us in future years.

Thank you all so much for your readership, and I look forward to seeing you next Monday from the foreign shores of Paraguay!

(Although, since Paraguay is landlocked, it technically does not have shores.)


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