Dealing with Uncertainty in an Unstable World

We've all been there. You think life is going fine, you're plugging along at school or sports or work, when all of a sudden—boom—your entire life has been turned upside down in the blink of an eye. 

You've probably experienced this recently, with all the world-shaking events that happened in the years of 2020 and 2021. Covid cancels your plans, locks down your hometown, or takes away a loved one you'd thought you'd have nearby all your life. Maybe you've lost friendships through neglect or disagreements. And it doesn't seem like things are getting much better.

Uncertainty is a powerful force, and it's not something that can be dismissed easily. For Christians, feeling afraid of it can be difficult to deal with. Shouldn't we be stable in all circumstances? we wonder; after all, Jesus is our solid rock foundation, according to Matthew 7:24-27. I know I've sometimes felt ashamed of my own fear for the future. I know God has my future in his hand, and I know that it's a certain thing. So why, then, do I have this worry? 

Two things have helped me deal with this uncertainty, and I'll share them with you. First, pray. It's one thing to intellectually think, "God has the future in his hands," and another to directly talk to God about your future. Ask for wisdom, for clarity, and for confidence to face the unexpected. In a time of suffering, ask for comfort. You could even directly ask him for advice—the important thing is that you're spending time with your Father, and though it seems like a small thing, it's not. I've been amazed at how much prayer actually helps my own security. 

Secondly, read the Word. Yeah, yeah—you're too busy, you don't have time, you're stuck in the Minor Prophets and don't understand how to make Obadiah help your financial crisis. I get it. I've been there. But, the idea of being "too busy" to read God's Holy Word? That's a vicious cycle. If you're struggling to find stability in life, then why not go to the one place that you know is stable? God's word is eternal truth, and when you're constantly struggling to figure out what in your life is even true anyway, it's like medicine. 

(Oh, and Obadiah actually can help you in your crises. This video from the Bible Project explains why; in short, God will always protect His children, and all Christians are children of God.)

So, even when the world feels like it's turned upside down, remember that God is still there. He will listen to you, and His help is the most lasting of all.


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